Street-running in Augusta, Georgia
Patricia Heaton reflects on ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ & ‘The Middle’, says they don’t need reboots
Best of short trains - Part 2
How does it work if you ask for half a sugar/sweetener?
Thought the guy driving behind me belonged here
Heritage line in Fort Collins, Colorado
Streetside-running in Brantford, Ontario
My favorite pictures of short trains (some may look familiar as I've posted them here before)
Randoms 24
Please Wobble your head
This train looks a bit ominous. Scunthorpe Steelworks, England.
Rail grinding streetcar at the Halton Radial Museum
Winter on the Islands
Louisiana train bridges
Train pics - Randoms 76
Not a train but runs on rails and quite unusual. Spain 1908.
Why is this guy spraying water from a tram?
Nice scene in Utrecht, Netherlands
MUNI in San Francisco
Digital menu changing
Remains of a Bavarian S 3/6 at the Bochum Dahlhausen Railway Museum, Germany
Douchey Downtown Bowling Alley
Coming down the Huey P. Long Bridge. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Autumn in Schaghticoke, New York
What would be the reason for this stop sign?