I think I’m a broken man now.
Debating wether to read Malazan or not
Seanchan Paradox
weird sexism
Never played a far cry game, considering getting 6 for a few quid. Do I bother getting DLC or just try the standard game?
Rand's plans regarding Saidin
What is your favorite takedown in far cry?
How stand alone is Prince of Nothing from the next 4 books?
Interesting Tidbit I Found
Old arsenal & collections remained in new play through
Why Did Kellhus Choose War?
Calling all Canadians 🍁
Favourite Brad Pitt movie ?
A half-baked theory on why Skin-Spies recognize Seswatha
Who is the most impressive character in the Wheel of Time?
Things I never knew #10344
Reddit is the best demonstration why the First Amendment exists
Comparatively, how large is the Incû-Holoinas?
Seeing how tiny the reapers are here, how big is the Citadel?
Found them! My old fanfic family tree sketches! + Agongorean fauna!
Why do you thing The Bloody-Nine appeared?
Soldados roadkill Boom Boom.
first fry cry 6 pc playthrough are these good weapons so far?
Generated by Deepseek R1
Am I the only one who has trouble with the parachute not even opening or giving the option to?