Okay this is not fair
Gap insurance in NYS
F45 M44 Why does he only have sex with me on the couch?
Got wrote up for “bullying” when she smells like cat piss
Bully taste her own medicine
From today's protest.
$167 FEES on $125 item
Husband (36M) is asking me (35F) to abort an unplanned pregnancy. He tells me I don't care about him if I don't go through with it. I don't know how to make this choice
But the driver texted me!
Meals on wheels
Help! Off road truck goes great on ice, but can’t stop?
Close call
I (23F) started bringing homemade cookies to work and now I'm somehow responsible for every office birthday??
I (19F) wanted to change my profile picture, (20M) boyfriend is upset?
Bigot melts down at protestors, shows his true colors. Cw: homophobia
Update 9.2 just released! :o
[40/m] How can I ask my wife [35/f] of 10 years to stop making jokes about oral sex?
AIO i can’t read this situation
Comedian explodes at heckler and kicks him out of her show
AITHA for making my sister pay back my daughter?
If I renew license after two years
Matrix Diodes
Be honest
Delivery driver spits in customers drink.
ICE agents knocking on doors in Upstate NY
These burger king freakouts lately 😂.
Baller at Burger King