Sooner or later, owning the libs will get boring, right? right?
"This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever" - Ukraine, probably
Let's send a few more billion over there, I'm sure that will end the war!
The Dark Woke Rises
Draymond Green is Delusion Father
Know the real threats.
Democrats Rush To Chug As Much Seed Oil As Possible Before RFK Jr. Takes Over
Surely a great decision
JD Vance's words proven to be true even in their own echo chamber lmao
How's the "Find our new Joe Rogan" project been doing?
Adam Silver: “We need a competitive all star game”
SNL Celebrates 25th Anniversary Of Last Time It Was Funny
Starting a nuclear winter to own the libs.
Your terms are acceptable
This is what happens when fake MVP force meets an immovable fat ass object
Oh AuthLeft….
German Weather Forecasts Now Include Chances Of Being Run Down By Crazed Jihadist
You think Tatum will try to recreate this shot?
Recent Argentina news
Subsidy for me, but not for thee
Honk Honk
Democrats, Republicans Panic As Trump Brings World To Brink Of Peace
How would American Gen Z'ers react if the U.S. got involved in some war and the draft was authorized
Clown World (Literally)
Literal Clown