Happy Birthday to the GOST!
Average desk job experience be like
Whenever Pedro says "dddd" I imagine him virtually shaking the rats in the chat.
Possibilities are, that kid might know more than what you have learnt your whole life.
Good ol' exam tension
Deleted scene from the series. Video by @guyserIII
My Theory about Merlin's past.
Maybe the cutscenes aren't so bad..
Nobody: Lily May's gameplay:
This is very..ah..descriptive
Close call with a Bull
Boop Boop! It’s the tail for me.
How can you say no?!
Tata steel chess staff couldn’t put the name boards up correctly
A clean boy
So Human after all...?
Roses are red, don't be a hater
[UNICEF Korea Behind the Scenes] Because, UNICEF TEAM “This is possible because it’s the UNICEF team”
Adventure with the RATS.