WIBTA if I started caring less when my SO becomes distant?
genuinely, how do you color?
2 weeks OP and feeling this sharp m/ tugging pain when laying on my sides ?
AITA for walking out of a restaurant after my sister kept making rude remarks and trying to speak on my behalf?
Do you ever feel like your art is better when drawing for yourself vs drawing for other people?
Please stop telling new parents that the newborn stage is "the best part".
AITA For This Weird Relationship
AITA for stoping sex
My cat has bad toilet problems
Comfort Food
AIO to my boyfriend’s response to my hysterectomy?
How much litter in litter box?
Ideas? Glass plates with holes in the center. Was previously a tiered display.
Which song best matches your cat‘s personality?
Why is getting karma so impossible?
Just realized my void, Ozzy, is 3 years old today!
My baby i rescued from a car engine as a kitten
My former best friend of two years falsely called CPS on me
Are there any plumbers out there?
Cat portraits!
Looking for answers regarding chronically inflamed nasal passages
Sick & tired of being sick & tired
How do you draw near the edge of a sketchbook comfortably when your hand has no support and the angle is awkward even if you put something underneath your wrist?