Music lessons?
DeskThing in car?
Temporary unbrick for the Car Thing!
LFG: Summer Road Trip Megathread
When did y’all first actually become symptomatic and what did you notice?
wish i actually did it
Does anyone know the name of this pattern or a similar one?
Goodnight show star plush
Has anyone in here tried the Er 4 and if so, what did you think?
[Bonsai Beginner’s weekly thread –2021 week 17]
What is wrong with my ficus
How do I save this ficus?
Moved both my pitcher plants to help with ant control around cat bowl and fish tank. After a day working really well!
Jazz at UVA
My betta just passed. I am very upset but after pulling the little guy out I think he might have had a tumor. Can anyone confirm?
Music at UVA
Stress Stripes?
I’ve been inspired
Next I present a massive tank of Steelhead Trout, or maybe Salmon.
Ep.34 The last few days have been really entertaining with my nano reef tank
Introducing Christopher, a Cobalt Blue Lobster to my Fish/Shrimp tank. (roughly 20 red shrimp). (He's got a proper cave on the way for a home)
Just Got My First Pea Puffer! Name ideas and feeding tips would be appreciated!