Which Deadpool variant is this (winged/arrow in head) and why does he disappear during this fight?!?!
Are Jötnar gods?
Galactus in the new fantastic 4
Where to start?
What do you wear?
What have I uncovered?
To those complaining about the lightsaber combat in the sequels
[Discussion] Have your opinions on the sequel trilogy changed at all in the years since they were released?
[Potential Hot Take] I think this is the best Chewbacca figure we’ve ever had
I feel like r/facepalm is cheating at this point
Skurge Loves Guns
Black panther 2018. Someone explain this
Well this is just Fantastic…
Which face would work more for my Imperial Rear Admiral
A collection of Star Wars minis
Star Wars minis pt. 2 of 2
Why do you call this type of glass?
I've been looking forward to this one...
Watching Quantocking II. What did you think of this episode?
Saw a few of these on other subs… what does my (current) top 5 say about me? in no particular order
Emperor's Throne Room
Fucking Nim
Give me orange
Composer John Williams, behind the scenes in 1999, recording "Duel of the Fates" for the soundtrack of Episode 1
“All of you… On your knees” [Secret Wars #2]