Where my 420 boys
The applications for Ballistic Slam's new distance effect are rare, but not zero
Redirection perk is now insane and Posterity may be one of the best primary weapon.
Impact drops 30 points when enhancing the new Resounding ritual weapon
RDM changes feels so good in PVE making it actually viable. Bungie PLEASE use a scalpel when adjusting its PVP potency.
Update is scheduled for release this Thursday, Feb. 13. Fixes we’re targeting include: ❖ Healing perks/abilities in the Nether ❖ Explore mode difficulty ❖ Overload Machine Gun perk ❖ Radiant Dance Machines We’re also targeting Feb. 13-14 for the Monolithic Memento fix up to go out.
Is this possible? Spamming Warlock Melees like Sunbracers pre-nerf?
“Something strange is nearby” in the Nether
Best Hunter Build for DPS/Survivability? Or all-rounder
It's worth pointing out the 7 straight hours of nether I played.
3 Days till the game gets 50 Lavillion players
The Brawn Modifier was Changed to Match Nether
Horde Shuttle, Particle Deconstruction, LFR buffs, and GL nerfs have pushed us towards an interesting DPS potential
I hope when Oryx is told about the whole situation about the Hive getting g Tricked he just doesn’t give a damn.
Lodestar breakdown
Sundered Doctrine Solo Flawless [Titan]
Whats everyone's thoughts on Arc subclasses now?
What legendary arc primary are people using right now?
Am I crazy, or are people lazy?
Ascension still doesn’t work properly
[Thread] Share Your Sundered Doctrine Dungeon Drops Here
Found on light gg
Nether really makes me wish the cooldown on tangle generation normally was lowered.
DPS Reccommendations for 2nd Encounter Sundered Doctrine
3rd Encounter Guide for Sundered Doctrine