Nazi freaking out at Cincinnati hate event because this badass wasn’t scared of them
Can We Truly Recognize the Weight of Our Own Words?
Give me a reason to stop smoking weed
Sometimes I have to complicate solutions to convince people to follow me, what’s this called?
Who is the Most Intelligent?
The average INTJ Performance Review from Manger
DAE's posts get practically no engagement, but the engagement they do get is negative (i.e. a few downvotes)?
Kanye West having a public meltdown?
To all the people who think you are useless.
it sucks realizing how rare empathy really is these days
First look at the thing, which do you prefer?
What do we call *them*?
Who’s side are you on?
I can't believe they're... Gone.
Donald Trump is a pawn for something darker.
Dino Sneezing?
The "D-rex" (jurassic world rebirth)
What dinosaur is this?
I worship the Creator of the simulation. Praise be to the Creator for this Creation.
Are we humans started to form emotional bonds with AI?
What is your mental noise like?
People really think voting for one side or another is going to change anything, if both sides are working for globalist interests?
I don’t want to be an adult
I hate being trans.
Why do Big Businesses NEED to use Ai?