GW appoints new non-exec director
Rebels Y Wing Moc
PiXEL-DANs A Wing (Sand Green one)
Bounty Hunter Speeder moc
Favorite Minifigure?
Rebels Collection
Added some A Wings to my collection
My slowly growing Phoenix Squadron
Anyone else thinking, with a bit of light kitbashing, this would make a good core of a Siege Era EC army?
My son is in a new Marvel/Hulk phase so I made him this
My son is in a big Hulk/Avengers phase, so made this for him
*stares at self in mirror* "We don't need anymore Deathwatch Veterans or Terminators.. We don't need anymore Deathwatch Veterans or Terminators."
[Pelissero] NFL exec Troy Vincent says the league will look to outlaw the low block: “Every block should be above the knee but below the neck. … This is the right time to remove the low block out of the game.” They’re also going to examine the onside kick.
Finished my Christmas village sets rebuild. Just waiting for the new post office (also made a Grinch)
New Heroes of the first Company…
Got a feeling this Made to Order set might be popular for heresy players.
brothers what is the art piece that goes the absolute hardest (official and fanart)
Grotmas detachment ideaswishes?
Comparison of wolf sizes
I’m curious, what model would you kitbash this guy into?
Someone found a backpack that Velus Jones donated at Goodwill and it had a playbook from week 2 2022 inside
Do DW members from traitor Legions still wear the traitor symbol on the right shoulder?
That sums up today's GW live stream
What do think of the wolfen models