Got carried away with bases. Guess I'll go paint more guys
Total noob considering getting into 40K... for GSC is there a way to cover their bald heads?
My 3rd attempt with Warhammer - Help me so that it doesn't end again before it even starts
I’m just getting started
Is the Webber the worst Weapon in the Game?
Is it normal to have more than one army?
First painted WH kit EVER! Would love some feedback & advice
I'm trying to get into warhamer 40k and want to know what soldiers are needed. Would this be fine to get into?
Brood brothers?
I just put together my first minis from the introductory set, waiting to get primer before i paint. Any tips for painting?
how many armies do you have?
Does Your GSC Army Have Custom Lore?
The Day of Ascension has arrived.
New to 40k here. What's the general consensus on modifications on minis in a game?
Got my first knight at Christmas....
What are your personal pet peeves when playing?
Ever play with yourself?
Gift for Boyfriend?
Has anyone had luck with Brood Brothers Auxillia?
How long does it take you to paint one mini?
Miniature painting after 40... too late to start?
My wife is trying to convince me to do my whole army like this. Should I let her? Powerpuff vs Barbie
First Acolytes!
Which color do you prefer?