I’m going to scream
I (22M) recently moved out into my first apartment and need help making it less bland.
Pigeon Key in Florida 🐦🗝️
Do you use your favorite Pokemon as your buddy or a Pokemon you want to flex?
Netflix real life adaptation
Close enough I guess😒
Find the completely empty batter cell. Not my pic. Found it on a news website.
37, gay, and partnered.
To celebrate my daughter's first shiny in PoGo, we made a little thing
Love this little green gym I found
I cannot find this Pokémon anywhere
I'm overweight, this has to be my greatest accomplishment yet. What's the furthest you've walked in a week?
Someone on my friend list doesn’t have a buddy???
Give me a reason to keep this
I yelled and nearly dropped my phone 😅
Me at 35 - Still playing Pokémon GO - How old are you?
Does this mean Oscar and Trisha are now in an evacuation zone? I hope they're safe 🙏
Frosted 🥶
My plushie collection 🙃
Who here at some point actually tried to harness the spirit bomb?
“Shiny” flabébé
What do I do with this?
Yoshirin de Pon! Interview (1994)
So happy to join the blue crew!
I took back my skin (24)