Alamo beer files for bankruptcy
Anyone ever read this? As a forth grade boy who loved the rami movies I got this and was decidedly not the target audience!
How this American moved to Italy and became the country’s ‘first woman rabbi’
Brandon Johnson Question
Dick Durbin regarding Elon's coup
Day 7: Hated by fans, good person
Unions for Federal Employees
What's a reasonable ask for these?
Who would win in a fight?
Is it realistic or possible to be as smart as Reed Richards?
Are you also grateful for the existence of zinc?
Damn Bart Okay Slay💅
What is your favorite joke name?
Rocky VII: Adrian's Revenge
Venom posters that I drew yesterday! Which version do you like best?
what does everyone think of x-staix
24 hours in Arlen. Where are you eating?
Do you know any mutant powerful enough to defeat Onslaught one on one?
Who else wants to see Frank Castle in an MCU movie (not a series) and in what capacity?
Between these two who would have a better chance of cleaning up Gotham and why?
Female Cat Names
Why did ____ vote for ____?
I’ve really done rooting for ____.
Which M.O.D.O.K is your favorite?