[Blogatog] Maro speaking up for marginalized folks this morning
Why are antidepressants so popular in America?
Is it possible to be bad at everything?
AGP Urge almost always decreases during summer months
Deleted all my meta accounts today and I feel good! And I hope others will join me.
I had an A.I. CBT Psychologist summarize my theory on AGP which she found reasonable
Detrans narratives and AGP stigma.
AGP and Fat Fetish
Mi faccio schifo.
sometimes i hate this fetish so much
215lbs at 20yo, is it too much?
Did I lose my beauty as I gained to much weight... because I really love how I look nowadays
Any ideas on how to improve this deck?
Quanto è importante la figura maschile nella crescita di un figlio?
This card isn't a hypothetical card anymore. It is a staple worth digging if it cost gems
What’s the max weight you’d find hot?
do we know whether there will be rotation or banned list in this game?
Buying yugioh duel links accounts
do you have random erections when you're out shopping for food?
1 or 2 ? 😏🐷
AMA sono un gigolò
Buddybank ,evitare commissioni rinnovo carta
Why was smallpox globally eradicated but not Measles,Polio and other infectious disease?