Thinking about rejecting a guy just because he’s not my “usual type”
I just took the 2nd biggest cock I ever took. what's your record length?
Can you find a partner that loves you if you are not hung?
How do you accept that you'll never have a perfect body?
How do you get rid of suicidal thoughts and that you'll never be good enough?
Is there any man or experience that fundamentally changed the way you have sex?
If you could change one thing about your boyfriend or partner, what would it be?
What are your red flags in a guy?
Would you date someone with BPD?
Do you think 4 inches is enough?
Is your current husband/partner/boyfriend the best sex of your life? Why or why not?
What jobs/careers are a turn on?
What kind of conversations do you have with your gay friends?
People that are single. Any advice for someone who is 25 and craving a relationship?
What to do
When you randomly meet a super hot guy in person like a 10/10 you…
After what size preference would you consider yourself or someone to be a "Size Queen"?
Advice please: My bf wants a bigger dick & dp
Do you distance yourself from any type of person or are cool to chat with anyone?
If you were a father, what qualities would you make sure to teach your kids?
Astrological Compatibility
My husband is driving me nuts
How do you handle dating a guy with a small penis?
Are my best years behind me?