Poor Zain..
Breaking news but not shocking news. Sedona physically assaulted another gf.
New article from the Washington Post today
Did anyone else catch Rylee’s shade at Sam
It was a tough sequin of events😔🤭🤣
extremely weird
on them joining youtube
Reposted Tik Tok..
You guys…
AIO my (best) friend of 20 years is suddenly too uncomfortable to get lunch with me
AIO or is my boyfriend controlling?
Seeing Sam become the masc is very interesting.
“love always wins”
Off topic question ab the snark
these all look too familiar 😭
AIO My bf hurt me then apologising and promising not to do it again?
Children of casually naked parents. Do you feel traumatized?
Weird fan behaviour
Why does she share such personal details with fans?
2nd joint ever how’d I do
What’s the best physical feeling other than anything sex-related?