Hi! Are thioamides the same as thionamides?
Gan X V2 spins way too much
His Bio says “Natural”
01 Nuzlocking every game with hardcore+ rules without repeats: Pokémon Red
Friend asked me what was the most impressive thing I did in a competition and I just don’t know what would be considered the most impressive. I know for a lot of you none of this is impressive, but if you would pick one, what would it be?
Anyone have lesions that don’t ever end?
Family says Cincinnati Children's won't put unvaccinated daughter on heart transplant list
anatomy practicals suck
What is dynamax falinks good for?
How to use Anking effectively- preclinical
Did I jinx myself? Looks like my grinding isn't quite done yet.
[routine help] Always had these black spots all over my body and around my neck, but it's only been a few years recently when I started noticing that they are appearing on my face after some of my pimples. Should I be worried, and how would I get rid of them on my face?
Everyone: what do you listen to while doing anki?
If steroids significantly age and bloat people then how come…
“Doctors aren’t taught x,y,z in med school!”
LF everything in the first pic, offering others. i ONLY want double 15 and above lvs, the pokemon are in order of priority for me
Free speech unless it’s Kanye west I guess. I can’t search him at all
But why does he decide to make these decisions? (Ye)
Kanye left when he ascended at the Donda concert. He ascended to heaven to see his mom, what was left behind, in his body, were all his bad qualities and vices, Kanye ascended, and ye was the product.
Do you think cadaver studies are necessary to learn anatomy?
2025 published article on why residents shouldn’t have unions
How to learn all the embryonic germ layer derivates 😭
matured anki during clinicals
aio that my boyfriend has 3 girls pinned on snapchat
EO help