What is the evidence for homosexuality being a sin or not?
What is one religion, outside of your own, that you particularly admire and why?
Why are all of you guys so mean?
Religion is cancer. The assassination of Salwan once again shows this.
My mom said I’d go to hell for….
How do muslims believe in muhammad if he married a (not sure about age) pre-pubescent girl and did not do any miracles (even muslim scholars debate wether he did part the moon in half, this from what i’ve heard)?
I think I just had a demonic encounter in my dream and it was the most terrifying thing i’ve ever experienced
is this too much flow for the red root floaters?
I can’t find the name of this plant, I have no clue where the ticket is and I wanna know more about it, please help me ID.
This is normal right?? 😂😂 as
This is normal right?? 😂😂
is there something wrong with one of my neon tetras?
is this dangerous?
Should I add a female with my male dwarf gourami? (10 gal tank)
what’s wrong with my snails?
is it ok to feed my dwarf gourami small pieces of boiled carrot for 3 days?
is this tadpole dead
What is this fellow called?