Men getting mad when I prefer curcumcised guys.
Why are suburbs straight lines of single family lots with no yard.... ? Can't we do better?
What were the women who raised you like? What was their relationship like with feminism?
The Bioethics of Circumcision with Brian Earp - thoughts?
christian in-laws
What country is this? Only wrong answers
Urgent! White, thick discharge and the condom broke
Guess the year I was born based on the stuff I grew up with
What Is This Country? Wrong Answers Only!
What is this country? wrong answers only☠️
What are some of the most segregated and the most integrated cities you’ve seen?
For anyone who is thinking of becoming Frum, this is for you.
Yeah, fuck your political posts on here. Here's a fucking polar bear.
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
I have some sad news is gone
Possible ICE presence in Fells Tuesday 1/21
Norovirus (Stomach Flu), anyone?
Pregnant by my non-Jewish boyfriend. Need help.
On the cusp of giving up Judaism
What is something that planted the first seed of doubt?
Did anyone feel any guilt when planning to leave?
Is it me or are men really low quality nowadays?
What’s your opinion on raisins in challah?