Some days you find something you just can't cope with.
This needs to stop
Voronika / In search of power / how to get to a1600?
I know the game's technically in beta but this is ridiculous
Do you report AFK players
3.5 fear / turning effects timing
Tf just happened
Let me get this straight, DE, I have 4 starting necromech slots but only 2 starting warframe slots?
Ammo routing
Sasquatch fight is broken now?
Well, I finally have a reason to take out my current Lich
Stuck on "Connecting to Server"
Just finished building the rg hi nu but before putting the back pack on I noticed this stress mark hiw do I fix it ?
I'm listening to Elminster's Daughter. The Harpers seem pretty evil to me.
A small guide for the new secret area in the Sanctum tileset.
Is there a canon reason why V sucks at dancing?
Just 5 waves shy of the 1600 for Durge's Tier 4 :(
New Variant - Defense Measures
I thought this was for the rocket gun but it's not
Funny result at the end of Waiting for Dodger
Bugged plains of eidolon bounties
Fishing mechanics
Rant about bots and wasted healing
Ranting about daily quest resets