Loneliness among people
Tell me if you Disagree - Thoughts on INTPs
How old are u guys?
People around me treat me like I don't have feelings and I'm a robot
What kind of girls do we match well with?
Have any other INTPs experienced this shift in thinking?
school counselours are weird
INFJs having fun!
Just because I'm an emotional person doesn't mean I can't be an INTP, right?
Do we like peeing?
Is this normal intp behavior?
If I don’t meme around I feel itchy all over the place does anybody else
How many how u guys are depressed
what to do when i become background noise in my intp bfs life?
[M28] [ENTJ] Hey, I need your guys help with an INTP I am dating?
INTP and percieved ENTJ inclusion
I got jumped after school
What's your opinion on 'live fast, die young?'
INTP Question of the Week for 2/2/25 - What Song Lyrics Best Describe Your Personality?
Listening to Democracy with my 8 year old
Oh well
How to become less judgmental and more open/accepting/sympathic to people
Adolf Hitler was a ____ guy
Type Angela from stranger things
I had a really weird dream about BoJack Horseman