Switched from Walmart generic L-theanine to NOW L-theanine and it's essentially stopped working?
Disston hand saw, what is the purpose of the dip and the little tooth up top on the end?
I wonder if there was an old time term for hi symptoms.
Why Do People Answer Police Questions During Arrests When They Have the Right to Remain Silent?
I need help with security on my phone! Looking for professional help.
Angry health store rant
are their any gut health supplements you swear by?
Teeth pulled
Looking for a simple black and white printer.
Why are people on Reddit so Angry?
NaturDao doesn't do much for me, tonight I cut it up and chewed it. It's really tough stuff! Maybe it's not breaking down in my stomach properly.
Beef Liver or Kidney?
Why do I always feel worse when I wake up?
AITA for not dating a single dad, even if he's a victim?
How big are your Triops?
What was the first major news story you remember as a child?
Bags of mini sweet peppers, do you eat them in any particular order? Is the flavor different between the colors? Which is your favorite?
Have you ever slipped on a banana skin ?
Does anyone bite down on their teeth (both left and right side of their molars) when drinking a beverage?
This might be a bit of even for this sub, so what do you think was under your skin when you were really young.. like before you were aware of the concept of things like blood and muscles and organs?
What would be the bike equivalent of air and water travel?
My husband got the cats addicted to television
Why does nobody believe a person can have a serious/sad face by nature alone?
GPT is down again?
What are some good radio stations to listen to in Omaha? AM, FM, it's all good.