Best Wedding Photographer
Jazel Sy as designer
Ring design - tulip or not to tulip
Wedding Planner here who has worked under top names, ask me anything.
[product request] skinceutical Retinol 0.3 + Silymarin CF (vitamin C)
Shouldn’t have done boxing class
Shout out to those who always have that one nail that's still catching up! It's always the pointer or the middle for me 😐
Has anyone here every purchased a kotatsu?
Any reviews on the Lillian August Convertible couch from
Just got engaged and in love with my ring 😍
The enterprise skirt is kind of slept on
Is it too big?
Contemplating selling a lot of my nail polish and supplies...
Ordering Polene in Canada?
Help me pick a brand
How long did it take you to get your order (in Canada)?
Huda or Givenchy?
How beautiful!! My new moissanite rings.
Candle Sampler Sets
Necklace stacks
Lab diamond ring from Tianyu!
UPDATED TO GROUP ORDER: 0.5CT & 5MM LAB DIAMOND ADDED: Starsgem-Jamie 9k/10K/14K/18K white/yellow /rose gold necklace 40+5cm
Attempting gel with an allergy... is it worth it?
First ever PPU!
Which check out list is better between Cirque and ILNP and what are some dupes for my Cirque list?