hey idk if the ip got leaked but in mumbos video i saw a fan join the server
game quality rule
Which one goes hardest
CP rule
Cinema rule
Dialogue audio missing due to the VA strike wouldn't feel as bad if Bungie didn't implement orbit comm dialogue which is easy to miss.
Petition for mojang to remove the anvil level limit next snapshot. my sword will break now thanks a lot mojang
Actually, why isn’t this a thing?
Tbh, I feel sorry for all hunters not being able to play the game
first job rule
I got told to dress more safe😪🥺😓 is there anything wrong wif my outfit? ❤️🩹❤️🩹
jimmy beast rule
Do you guys know why these chickens are not in game? I think I know why.
moderator in training rule
Is this a fire hazard? I have 9 nuclear power plants connected to the grid through 1 common wire.
Ally rule
I would sometimes love that my fuse blowns a bit more often
microsoft rule
Why is it called the homophobic vase?
Add some character to your character
Rule :3