What will disappear?
Does anyone else have days where they’re just irrationally angry
How do I tell I tell someone I’ve sh on wrist
How do I cover up a wrist cut
Cut wrist for the first time
Want to cut wrists
(TW) Best weapon for a RL1 run
Really feeling the urges
Does anyone else get irritated/annoyed when they haven’t harmed
Urges/thoughts are on and off
Please tell me happy birthday.
What is your favorite Wonder Weapon?
Which heroes inspires you to be a better person?
Top 20 Batman stories: Day 5
which is the best?
What’s your guys all time favorite Punisher design?
Cut again for no reason but it felt good for the first time
Overthinking makes me want to cut myself
Want to relapse and cut wrists
Which Batman pulls off the Red and Black suit the best?
Want to relapse
Want to do it for no reason
Urges randomly got stronger
What was the last game you played in 2024? Here's mine.