Looking to complete sets
1:1 LF oh my cloak
Have vs need
LF Ravager Reclaim
looking for green garbage, 1:1 trades :)
Need Green Garbage
Lf Strike force and Comic relief
4 star trading. Have vs need.
Trading these for any 5 star sticker.
For any 5⭐️
Can anybody trade Doctor Strange for Gargantos?
I have an extra gargantos looking to trade for a mr.cerebro and orb of agamotto or a single new toys Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/uGYsNH6K670
LF Green Garbage, Red Handed or Doctor Strange
1:1 Trade?
1:1 5 star trade
Looking to trade 1 for 1 for Art Review
LF Badge of Honor ,Special delivery , Impossible
12 stars for 4s, 20 stars for 5s obo
LF Stars for my vault.
Gotcha for the gold blitz stickers?
Looking to complete a set
For 8 stars (any stickers will be fine)
LF any 5 star or 2 4 stars