Why does everybody hate on far cry primal?
Damn it brain
What type of nose do I have?
Objasnjenje pls
If everyone had the choice to live forever, would you want to?
How does one achieve this kind of build?
This sub lowkey feels like people post pics fishing for compliments
What type of nose is mine? Should I get rhino? Is it THAT big? (M19)
should i get a nose job?
Sve igre koje sam besplatno skupila na Epic games,ko još skuplja igre na epic?
Name a video game
Is it feasible to reach 110-115 years old??
Solitude sucks and it's overrated by everyone ..so untrue
Divljenje ljudima koji imaju decu u Srbiji danas, posebno onima koji imaju više od jednog!
Would you click this?
Most YouTubers Fail (me too)
Kako se psihički izboriti sa osećajem da se u životu pretežno bavite stvarima kojima morate umesto onima kojima želite?
Najbolja underrated igrica?
Today I have reached 1 million total views, 23500 watch hours, it takes 4 years to get to that achievement. I have started with you, the journey was full of ups and downs
If life was a video game, what difficulty are you playing on?
Мадона на свом Инстаграм профилу поделила вест о студентским протестима у Србији?
Free Speech time! Say your video game hot takes in the comments
Imagine looking like this without filters, makeup and skincare routine
Usro sam se smrzlo mi se govno
Prve 3 igrice koje ste igrali?