Please read if you have pure OCD, you *might* be doing your treatment wrong.
if your child is adhd, what signs made you get your child tested?
I usually dream my subjects up and they have names but hers just isn’t coming to me. Name her with me?
Are there consequences or "punishment" when your kid doesn't stay in bed at night?
TARVA discontinued??
AITA for telling my wife our daughter will not be given a unique or weird hippy name?
Affordable maternity leggings to exercise in??
What’s a “pregnancy don’t” you’d never heard of before?
Pregnancy/ weight gain
What happens if embryo doesn’t survive the thaw?
Husband not allowed in the room for FET
Monday Cautious Intros and First Trimester Questions
-2 days to beta and feeling like it’s not going to happen
My daughter has been cutting herself
Daughter (11) wants one on one days apart from her sister (5)
Wednesday Cautious Intros and First Trimester Questions
Heterotopic pregnancy
Excessive weight gain
My 4.5yo is out of control
possible attrition? JUST HAD MY ER
Son constantly tells on himself
Omnitrope - advice needed
Do I chop off the rest to match their ugly sister? 😭
Naturally TTC before FET
Anyone my TWW buddy?