The AFK hate has to stop
just got my first glowing!! what have you guys gotten so far?
Cant wait to see everyone getting cheap rare masks in vendors these next few weeks good luck everyone lmao
H: Mods Mods Mods (Reflective and pin pointers are gone) W: Offers :)
Shout out to a dude named Rhienthoris who is simply awesome
H: Sentinels (1) W: Thru Hiker (1)
Just curious on how many glowing masks/rare masks you average during the entire Fasnacht event.
H: hope W: Servers back
H: GP Stinging Core Receptacle mod W: EPG Aligned Flamer Mod
H: max caps W: to buy leaders 4,000 caps each
Damn FcJ, farming for years and never even seen one drop, going slowly mad with it, and its so damn expensive to trade for
What’s your favorite gun?
H:lvl 1000 giveaway W: pick a number between 1-1000 and win 1-4* legendary mods ps5/4
[PS] H: Enclave Plasma Rifle Mods. W: Reflective and/or Rejuvenator's.
H: 1* - 4* Box Mods W: EPG Forceful Stock (2 if you can spare)
W: EPG forceful stock H: Box Mods - hopefully something you want
W: EPG Severe Beta Wave Tuner H: Hopefully something you want
H: Sacred Mothman Tome W: Stable Violet Flux
H: Sacred mothman tome plan W: 10 violet flux
H: Forest Scout Mask + Urban Scout Mask W: Legendary Box Mods - Multiples of Overeaters + Sentinels
H: ability to craft tru hikers W: Overeaters, Powered, Belted, GP accelerated mods, Leaders
H: 3 * Intelligence W: Thru Hikers
H: Intelligence W: Powered
H: deathclaw mask W: guess 1-1000
W: Insurgent Outfit H: Caps