Whitley Strieber premiering today at 1:45PM EST👽 - Jesse Michels
Are reptilian/reptoid beings a real thing? If so, why are they so rarely witnessed compared to the others NHIs? Are they the "bad" aliens that practices mutilation?
“Plants can read your mind” 🧠 ⚡️ 🪴 The amazing story of Cleve Backster
Ryan Bledsoe - “Being comes out of orb” - confirms Native American Chanting in background
For the first time, Diana Pasulka shares her belief on the phenomena based on information shared by whistleblowers, the intelligence community and scientists
Chris Bledsoe - “You can see at least 4 in the video 1 responded to prayer by flashing. This is typical of a visual response.” 4th Feb 2025
“They would use Latin on their patches. They would position the presidents at a certain point where astronomical events would happen” - Diana Pasulka on the Rituals used in the US space program.
What is the truth you've been given? (personal disclosure)
“For far too long people have been lied to by their Government. We are going to be doing something really big.” - Big announcement coming next week by Representative Luna regarding transparency.
A Brazilian boy filmed an Orb of light in 1998 that moved with intelligent behavior, making multiple turns and stops.
“This one appears stationary 40 feet away until I hit the record button and it disappeared into the tree” - Chris Bledsoe
“There are people in power deliberately scripting the book of revelations to bring about Armageddon. I think they’re satanists who worship the dark force.” - Chris Bledsoe
“Skeptical people about this phenomena will never see anything, they’re left out” Chris Bledsoe on NHI and Free Will
Here is what Tom DeLonge is really like, for all of you people that seem to think he is a doomer pusher
Bledsoe claims "The Lady" told him that when the star of Regulus was in front of the Sphinx in Easter 2026, it would be “the return of new knowledge”
Stress Inoculation - How to Trigger a Fight or Flight Biological Response for Increased Psionic Ability
The Truth is being suppressed here and in other subs
Ryan Bledsoe reveals what he believes to be “reptilian disinformation”. Tom Delonge and Bill Thompkins reportedly told Chris Bledsoe this during a meeting at Starbucks
Jake Barber on the “cheats” used to increase psionic ability
Let’s collectively compile a list of “protocols” or “hacks” required for psionics or accessing higher levels of consciousness - Starter list in description
Jeremey McGowan's convo with Lue Elizondo on Hal Puthoff's history with Scientology
Can't find a post from this week... Deleted?
Exploring the Edge of Consciousness: What Methods Actually Work?
"Tom wanted to buy my life rights and control the means to it. They had a darker outlook on it than I wanted to be a part of." - Chris Bledsoe says he was asked to be a part of TTSA
Beautiful Footage Uploaded by Chris Bledsoe of Orb Passing the Moon - 31st January