BSC Draft Scenarios #3 - Which brawlers would you pick here? Answers to the previous post in my comment :D
I'm in disbelief
I need tips on how to do stuff on the is map
Flexing Poco
They love me
It goes without saying, in Brawl Ball you need to make goals to win
Would you buy this mythic gear for penny?
Im kinda bad at 3v3 💔
Who were the most broken brawlers in history and what made them broken?
Are there any good brawler tier lists?
Kit teleports back to target despite being pulled by gene
Hank matchup chart (imo)
skill tierlist
How much i hate each brawler
I feel like Rico is lowkey busted rn
What to pick in tripple dribble
How to couunter Byron + Hank in Belles Rock?
I’m probably set for masters, am I missing anything?
Poco looks so... pretty?
Bushes rework
Ollie is strong
Match hadn't even started and it was already over
I bet this person wants to break their screen right now
Is Ollie a support or team-wiper?
Small Overview of Brawlers that are way too strong and should be nerfed…