(21M) How else can I glow up besides losing weight?
I blocked my crush
help with build
Comfort Draven build
Draven Build
Friend talked to ex after we broke up
First relationship and breakup
Damn so this is when it starts to slow.
Trinity Force Hecarim is OP.
A more durable Hecarim?
New draven build for you guys to try
Quick Update, new draven build
New Draven Build feels really good.
First game on new patch. This build felt GOOD but others might be better? IDK
what to build on draven now?
what to build on draven?
How much extra electrolytes needed for 2hour cardio while on water fast?
help me find this model, reverse image searching does not work
Is a liquid diet good?
Eye injury? What to do
Anyway to get the limited peacekeeper chroma?
Any reccomendations on a decent hybrid bike?
Questions about spiking insulin
Skin with smallest axe indicator?