James Cameron says selected group of people has already seen Avatar Fire and Ash and he describes the movie as: "it's definitely the most emotional and maybe the best of the three so far"
I am tired of AI hype
not tryna flex but thats my father yall!!
Least cringy joker quote
Why people keep downplaying AI?
A year and a few months later, how do you feel about Wish (2023)?
Do you agree with Tarantino’s take?
how did you know you liked nu-metal?
Just a friendly reminder that Nintendo consoles used to be fun. The Switch 2 better dig deep and go back to home music and more sound effects than clicks and boops.
Why don’t we hear too much about Novembre on this channel? Their stuff is simple amazing.
Real talk : how do you take care of your shirts ? Are your logos still looking sharp ?
What’s a film that you think is better than its original source material?
How europeans see the map
Deathcore isn’t metal
Peteh?? What am i missing?
Je viens de me faire appeler par une IA qui voulait me vendre des panneaux solaires.
My truth
Sibyle Veil: «La liberté d’expression est le cheval de Troie du néo-impérialisme américain»
I mean there is no one
What's a popular 'masterpiece' that you secretly think is just okay?
Une petite partie de Magie Cueillette ?
Which is better?
Vinyl Wall Collection So Far
thoughts on heilung?
What video game does this generation not know about but you wish they did?