Petition to bring back the Goblin Queen badge we were supposed to get 😔
26M Am i cooked?
New META just dropped
Worried about my hairline
i swear this emote was exclusive 2 days ago for the 2v2 ladder why’d they change it 😂
Idea : Fast-forward or insta-skip for 1 and 2 star Lucky Drops
Can we please have a “Claim All” button??!?!??
Dont forget that free will exists
A reminder of how OP evo LJ used to be
Can we go back to where these didn’t have a cooldown?
Crazy wait at local wing stop
2v2 ain’t fun
How many emotes do you have and what total number of emotes is available to you?
A 3rd Evo Slot would be awesome actually.
Do you think the royal chef is still good after nerfs?
29 win and the emote aint even exclusive
I can’t ever grow a beard because it itches too much
Why are teammates so braindead?
Huh, didn’t this just have a rainbow border ?
Could someone please explain to me how this is fair?
With the recent buff, Berserker is now a double hit speed but half damage version of a 2 elixir bandit(when she can't dash)probably still weak
PLEASE give us the option to -remove- emotes from our emote list
2v2 is back! Lumberjack got nerfed
According to RoyaleAPI, the 2v2 ladder won't be fixed till tomorrow. If this was Brawl Stars, it would be done in 2 hours max + we would get a compensation.