Can yall prove to me the bible is not corrupted
Is cliffe knetchtle good to watch?
How do we know the 12 apostles genuinely was tortured for Jesus Christ
Can you all tell me your experiences of god
Is there any evidence Jesus was crucified
Can you all tell me ur experiences of Mohammed/allah or miracles
What layer of hell will Christian’s go?
Can yall give me a bunch of contradictions/evidence or history that Islam is false
Can you all remind me god loves me
Why does god create people who will go to hell?
What’s a good chapter to read about strength or sadness
Is heaven Actaully fire and eternal torture, or just eternal separation?
I need help with these seemingly contradictions
I wouldn’t usually ask this, but can u guys pray for my friend
Can anyone send me some cool videos of X?
Why did people think soilderkidd killed X
Is it really the xxxtentacion? 😬🤯😳
Will there ever be anymore X music
When should I pray? And what do i pray about? New Christian
Will I go to hell for vaping?
What brand of underwear did Jah buy?
Why should I trust Jesus and not Mohammed?
Whats the first song from X youve EVER heard? I think mines look at me. A bit basic but
Im losing faith, help me
Which god is real?