Hive Fleet Tillinghast
They’re (not) afraid!
Winterbeast (1992) — A stop-motion creature wonderland
Just finished some gitz
What box or storage do you're guys keep your tyranids?
Zarbag gitz
Specimen 0
How many melee weapons are in a box of warriors?
How to shake contrast paints more effectively
Parasite worth it?
Hello genestealer cult player
Best Tryanid books?
Rippers Reinassance - Noob question about new Assimilation Swarm
How do you guys handle world eaters?
What happens if the patriarch dies?
30 new detachments coming in December - What are we hoping to get for Tyranids?
30 new detachments coming in December
Looking for shows and movies that make me think of Mordheim- any suggestions?
Zoanthrope stacking?
Deathleaper Conversion
What Lies on Mars summit, by myself
NeuroTyrant with Flesh-Cloak
NeuroTyrant with Flesh Mantle
If you could spam one unit and only one unit, which would it be? And would your list be any good?
What’s your play style for your nids?