How America Will Collapse by 2025--Read this Prescient Article from 2010
Tips for serving improvement 3.5 player
Bathroom reno company recs
Any advice? Getting back after a long while.
How to make my serve look less goofy
Please Critique my Forehand Groundstrokes! (NTRP 3.5 trying to jump to 4.0!)
Best Indian Food in Indy
Tennis Tryouts Update
Serve critique
2 Gen Xers starting an acoustic duo and need a band name
It’s cold out, what’s your favorite cold climate tennis gear? Hands? Leggings? Let’s hear it
Transitioning from Competitive Tennis
What made kick serves click for you?
Shoulder pain during serve
If I serve ~10 times with little down time, my arm starts to hurt. Am I doing something wrong or am I just overexerting myself?
What are the best tips to save money in this sport?
Any tips on improving serve?
Been playing for a little now but struggling with an inconsistent serve. Any tips or advice?
4.5 and above folks, do you ever approach matches with the intent to exhaust your opponent with long rallies?
Drill for toss consistency
serve feedback aswell!? after this Ill stop
Picking the game back up. Advice on forehand? (Sorry for the bad angle)
Am I losing power on my serve with my weight transfer.
Serve advice (Flat, Slice, Kick)