Im done.
So Kayn ulted me while we had the Atakhan revive and... well...
The top 10 worst performing champions in bot lane are all ADCs
Going Viral is just unfair yet people are ok with it?
Who’s Your Backup Pick When Singed Gets Banned, Taken, or Unavailable?
Is Dark Harvest good on Singed?
Smash Frenzy Hunt
im lenny the high elo regular that mains singed mid ama
Do you stick with one rune page or change depending on matchup? What about summs?
will this card be viable?
Tahm Kench
Change my Mind
Does singed not shit on jax anymore? Have like 1.5 items vs 1 item still gets out duel out kited.
What if they buff ignite to be viable in the late game?
Singed WR drop
End goal for farmed animals?
I think I figured out a decent Moribund Abom comp
Moribund Abomination seems to synergise insanely well with Instructrice Duelist
Average Los Ratones game:
Riot August Browning
need build advice against a tanky Cho
Perma banning lee sin is honestly worth it.
This concept represents better Hwei than the final one
Thoughts on the new Ambatukam objective? 😭😭😭 lowkey kinda strong
Looking for advice