Green Ranger and White Ranger, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993)
Naier is best fitting to the contour of you nice feet
Bootleg Figuarts Madara Uchiha I bought for 25 bucks
Captain America (1990)
My 2004 ToyBiz 18 inch Spider-Man with 67 points of articulation!
Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Trilogy (2002-2007)
I boight a red panda plushie on vacation and I left him in my room and when I came back I found out the maid had tucked him in and put my neck pillow around him!
I love my angle
Moony Man
Captain Marvfl
Saw this painting at the mall
[Japanese > English] Naruto toy packaging
Got these at a vintage toy store
Naruto and Anya
Thanks, I hate Luffy and Kakashi head swap
Zen 10
Iron Deficiency Man
What's your favorite figure? And why?
What’s your guy’s holy grail?
What are some of the better Naruto action figures I can get, posable ones not too big into statues :)
I'm gonna replay these old Naruto Turn Based RPGS I grew up with!
Anybody know where to good some good figures?