Legion 5 Pro Is Officially OUT OF STOCK of the RTX3070 On ebay for $1375
Need help deciding
What calculator would I need/ be recommended for an Engineering student? (Computer Science)
You can now use nitro emojis in your about me section
Thought I did the science section really well...guess I was wrong, but still a good score and bumped up my super score. Thank you guys
Question about ACT CBT
CBT Test Takers
Can someone please explain how this is D?
Can someone explain why 13 is A and not B
The answer is K, can someone please explain
The answer is H, is there a faster way than multiplying all the fractions to get the answer?
The answer is K, can someone please explain?
The answer is B, is there a way to do this without plain substitution/ trial and error?
The answer is F, how do I solve it?
Does anyone know where I can find ACT interview/dialogue based passages from the reading section? or even the form number for a paper that contains an interview passage in the reading section.
The answer is E, I did trial and error by using 9 dots but both 5 and 7 worked...How do you solve this question?
Is a 1440 on the SAT better than a 33 on the ACT?
Test day experience (17th JULY - International CBT)
ACT Re-used exam?
What does the dash or vertical line i circled mean? (it usually comes when the answer is related to domain)
How is the answer B? It seems like it makes sense....
How do you solve 52? Answer is G
Why is the answer to 38 H and not G?
Why is 34 J and not G?
How is the answer B? Wouldn't that make the sentence after the full stop a dependent clause? and arent supposed to not start sentences with the word "Because"?