How to cast away the sadness
Hi, So i don't know what to build or to play yorick in this season( sry if people posted that before I don't use reddit that much) Like i knew what to build in the last season with mythics and all, but now there are no Divine and triforce feels weeker the spear looking item is nerfed now doesn't slow always and hullbreaker feels useless. I tried playing conq and resolve building profane, tri, eclipse, and sterax/lyndreys but the champ just feels week and more like a mid game champ and falls hard in late i couldn't 1v1 anyone late when i could pull like 1v2 or 1v3 last season. I couldn't win any ranked game so i stopped playing ranked and even in normals he feels weak. Pls I don't want to play arcane comet. If u would be kind and help me how to build and is he not as strong split pusher as he used to be? Thanks and sorry for the long paragraph, and my bad English.