Yorick winrates tank in high elo patch 14.21
I had more pretty graphs to look at when I tried submitting earlier, but server glitched.... so take my word on some stuff or click the links and validate things for yourself.
so looking at these changes, it would seem the average winrates overall hurt higher elo more so than low elo. we can see this shown when we look at more cumulative style graphs:
this is especially apparent in Diamond WRs
As a reminder, this is what was changed in patch 14.21:
which included changes to Yorick, as well as an extremely large roster of characters, and numerous item systems changes.
Yorick is especially dominant in lower MMR play. It’d be nice if he wasn’t so reliant on his opponents failing to realize they can one-shot my ghouls with any basic attack, so we’re pulling back some Mist Walker damage to make him less reliant on their unreliable damage output.
* Mist Walker AD: 2-88 (based on level) (+25% Yorick Total AD) ⇒ 4-90 (based on level) (+20% Yorick Total AD)
unfortunately 5% tAD doesn't really explain how much damage Yorick actually is losing across all of his different builds, but it's more significant than you initially might expect. I think Ninetales has a breakdown of this (or somebody else in the community).
For an awesome rundown of how other things in the patch changed things for Yorick, look at Ninetales content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZrT9aBR0k4
My thoughts on why this patch is hitting the wrong way:
- fixing damage numbers doesn't properly address the problems of reliability and consistency across elos. Low elo fails to address many aspects of Yorick's kit correctly: They don't dodge his E effectively, they get trapped in his W, and they don't kite his ghouls effectively even when they aren't slowed or trapped. This results in ghouls having an extremely high level of consistency against unskilled players. Additionally, Yorick is a splitpushing monster. Low elo players do not have good back timers or roam timers. If they leave a Yorick alone, there is a good chance he can take a good amount of plates or an entire tower and snowball his lead.
- in higher elo, Yorick doesn't have the stats to be an effective stat stick against many of his more bursty counterparts. as a "juggernaut", he's not that good at being a fighter unless he has access to his ghouls; something that is very easy for higher skilled players to reduce in number. And with Yorick's limited access to ghouls, this can multiply his tempo problems in higher elo.
So ultimately, ghouls being a problem is only partially correct here. We need to improve consistency for Yorick in alternate ways to enhance his playstyle, to promote proper counterplay, and ensure nerfs don't have these types of adverse affects across elos as much.
Wish list for Yorick:
These are some of the thoughts I have about Yorick's kit that I think are needed to promote a kit that is healthier for low and higher elo.
- more types of ghouls: expand Arise to be castable from W and E in order to summon different types of ghouls, this will enable you to adjust your summons to meet specific needs, but with their own strengths and weaknesses. the ghoul summons mimic some of the purpose that Yorick's basic abilities have.
- Q: normal ghouls [same-ish],
- W: tank ghouls [single-target damage won't auto-kill (except turret damage), but can't leap, slows enemies they attack],
- E: ranged ghouls [has ranged attacks, does not leap, has a smaller health pool than normal ghouls]. while this does complicate Yorick's kit, it feels like a good homage to his older previous kit. This would raise Yorick's skill cieling.
- reducing ghoul damage BUT.... adding damage in the forms of shred and ramping mark damage.
- Shred: ghouls should apply a debuff that allows basic type damage to bypass some amount of resistances (% based would be ideal). ghouls and maiden don't have basic type damage, only Yorick and other champions do. This will mean that fighting while with ghouls promotes a stronger fighter playstyle, as opposed to a mage playstyle.
- mark damage is what I suggest for pet oriented builds. the mark applied on E, should have a damage component added to it that ramps as the unit takes basic and spell damage from Yorick. one way to do it is that every 2 seconds, the unit takes damage proportional to all the unique damage sources it has recieved since the mark was put on them, and the mark only extends if they've been hit within the past 2 seconds, or something. This particular idea would need refinement so that it doesn't overly punish low elo, but it would be good to take away burst in exchange for ramping damage. not to mention, this HEAVILY rewards Yorick jungle in taking objectives like Dragon or Baron, which I personally think is really cool.
- we should have better access to ghouls, but also more cost associated.
- graves should not be produced simply by something dying, there's not much strategy in that, and it's extremely punishing in higher elo. instead, nearby dying units (including ally) should have a chance of dropping souls. and when you have a soul, your next ability cast can place a grave. you can hold some amount of souls that increases with your level. killing units with your Q will always drop a soul.
- Arise should cost mana. if you are specifically summoning units, that should be an ability cast that costs mana. if low elo is winning too much, give them more resource management problems. High elo is okay at managing resources and understanding the mechanics of the game, low elo is bad at it. This is a perfectly fine balance lever. it just needs to be paired with better access to ghouls.
- Maiden Rank 1 should not be able to produce ghouls for free. I don't mind if she increases the spawn rate of souls, but she should not be making free ghouls at rank 1. It is an extremely strong trait, which I believe explains part of why Yorick is extremely strong in the early-mid phase; he has a WR curve that leans highly towards early games. Infinite ghoul generation thanks to the maiden, allows Yorick to be extremely great at taking excessive amounts of plates. Alternatively to gating this with rank, is to gate this with game time, as it seems plating feels like the biggest reason why this change would be needed in the first place.