Men getting mad when I prefer curcumcised guys.

So anyways, like the title says. I expressed my opinion that I only sleep with circumcised guys. It’s my own personal preference and I know that most guys don’t lift the foreskin and clean under there. I also know that most men don’t wipe after urinating. So for my own health, I prefer a guy with no foreskin. Especially since I can’t tell a grown man to clean himself down there like a baby.

So here is what I don’t like. When I state my preference, men tend to get mad about that. But I can’t stand the double standards like how most men like women with big boobs. And many men pressure women to get boob jobs. So how is that any different? What’s the difference between a man who likes big boobs and a woman who only sleeps with circumcised men? No one scorns the man for exclusively dating women with big breasts. Not many people scorn the man for pressuring his wife/girlfriend to get a boob job. It’s the norm. But if a woman states her preference and wants to gate keeps who sleeps with her, all the men gang up and get mad about it.

So if I prefer a circumcised male I should be respected for it. Just like how guys are respected if they only go out with big busted women.

Edit: wow this really blew up my notifications. Anyways, I see a lot of people are mad about the fact that I have a preference for a procedure that is forced on the men by parents and society that they live in. But how is that any different to a baby girl getting her ears pierced? I think that’s worse depending on the age. I did not have an opinion at 6 months. I don’t even remember that time. And I wasn’t still at the time and got a botched piercing on my left ear. What I do remember, is the piercing when I was 2 years old. That hurt like a MF and I got an infection afterwards. Also I grew up with pain and constant ear/skin infections. I don’t go around complaining what happened. It only dawned on me after a shower. That we women go through our own cosmetic procedures without consent and no one says anything. We don’t mourn for our intact ears. In fact we have plenty of cosmetic surgeries that are pressured upon us. Like nose jobs, boob jobs, liposuction, braces, and even dying our grey hair. Nothing has changed in my preference. I still like my guys circumcised. And I won’t change my standards. It’s my vagina, I chose what goes in. And also, for those who searched my bio and previous posts. I have a right to express my opinion. I didn’t like that those types of guys wanted to ban circumcision. So I voiced my true feelings of the foreskin. If these guys think the foreskin is cute, then they at least deserve to know how some women feel about it and not be shocked that some women refuse to sleep with a guy with foreskin. And honestly, I would be happy to live the rest of my life single and traveling if every man didn’t have a circumcision and/or grafted skin to replace foreskin. If you don’t like how I think, then too bad, you can go kick rocks.