Had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled this morning

Hi everyone. As the title states I had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled this morning. I got them pulled at 9:30AM and it’s currently 12AM. so far, the pain is manageable but I can feel it get worse. I was given ibuprofen and Tylenol.

The thing I am concerned about is that I just had a very quick sharp pain in my lower left extraction site and the sharp pain extended to the upper left side of my chest. It’s was very quick. I’m pretty nervous and scared when it comes to my wisdom teeth surgery because I don’t know if this should happen and it’s not clear on the internet if it can be a serious problem. Has this happened to anyone else? Could this possibly be a dry socket? I haven’t been able to open my mouth wide enough to see and I don’t start rinsing with a prescription until tomorrow morning after breakfast

Edit Day 2: Haven’t experienced any sharp pains after the first one. I woke up with no swelling, and the pain meds seem to be doing their job. My mouth only feels sore, I wouldn’t say I’m in pain until the Tylenol and ibuprofen start to wear off which is about an hour until I should take my next dose, that’s when I usually feel some pain but it’s manageable. Everything is more of discomfort and it sucks not being able to open your mouth, smile, and sudden movements of my mouth will cause discomfort/some pain. Other than that, so far so good!

Edit Day 3: A tad bit of swelling but not bad at all. I’m keeping up with meds so not feeling much pain unless I fall asleep during the night and don’t take meds every so hours. I ate Mac and cheese/pasta yesterday and was fine. Everything so far so good