Trying out the console version after the first patch.

Im playing on PS5. Tragic Hero, carved in stone.

Bugs so far:

Still finding invisible baskets.

Still can't enter text. Can't rename your characters, can't rename the group. (Almost every game on ps5 pulls up the console keyboard to enter text, don't understand why this isn't implemented.)

Still no tooltip to show the stat changes when equipping new gear you find.

One of the pieces of fence, instead of being straight is zigzag. Like the planks are shaped like lightning bolts.

When an incursion attacks an area's defenses, the little explosion graphic and the pieces that are supposed to pop off still just stack on top of each other and don't dissappear obscuring that tile. It persists for the rest of the chapter.

Something is off with the comics as well. Either not lining up right or sized wrong. You get the little lines that lead to dialogue bubbles over people's faces or text bubbles cutting off the tops and sides of peoples heads a lot more than on pc. I've seen text bubbles go outside the white frame too.

Had a character move, open a door and then when I went to do the rest of his move it wouldn't let me. I still had the yellow movement spaces and I could place where I wanted him to go, but hitting x to confirm did nothing, had to use wait to end his turn. On this characters next turn I was still unable to use the yellow movement he moved in the green and it ended his turn. All the his turns for the rest of combat went like this.

Had a barrel that interfused with the space to the left of it rather than the actual barrel. Had the same bug with a campfire pre patch.

This is all in one chapter of the first campaign.

So... fewer bugs but still a lot of them. Many seem to be the same ones as before that just haven't been addressed yet. Some of them interfere with gameplay significantly. The one where it took my character to one action per turn was especially heinous.

Overall it's still in bad shape, I'll try it again after the next patch but I don't see this getting fixed any time soon and I doubt we will ever get it to measure up to the steam version. Not being able to simply input text is inexcusable to me. Dissapointing.