Notes after installing the Full Game package

  • Old Unreal installer is incredibly slow. If you have the full game elsewhere, use that.
  • Anticheat issue: I would also think twice before using 169d. One issue is that ACE v 1.2e anticheat will prevent you from playing on multiple servers (complains that D3D11/D3D12 renderer DLLS are unknown). Honestly Old Unreal should simply hide incompatible servers from the list.
  • umod file fix: Old Unreal installer did not associate .umod packages for me. This is a major oversight with the installer. I used the reg fix here:
  • Ultrawide fix: Patch 169d does not properly supper ultrawide - fix here: - (169e should, but I don't know when that will be available or where the source code is to built it myself)
  • Steam F12 screenshot fix: In system/user.ini comment out "F12=EndFullscreen" with ";F12=EndFullscreen"
  • Best Renderers: OpenGL renderer stutters avoid, 3rd Party Vulkan crashes. Most stable are D3D11 and D3D12 renders that are included, but they are barebones and lack graphical enhancements. A couple of years back there were better options being frequently updated but I don't think we have one that support 169d + HDR.
  • Fixes for HDR: First, the 3rd party ICBIND DX11 renderer is way too bright and triggers AutoHDR instead of having native HDR (option broken?) - don't use that renderer. D3D11 and D3D12 are more or less the same. To avoid eye strain, you want gamma mode to be Direct3D9, but to avoid overbrightness you want gamma mode to be XOpenGL. XOpenGL with offset of 0.1 seems to be alright. I generally don't recall the weapon model being pure black before in shadow areas (and the point of HDR is to expand legacy black into more shades). Also, who made these names and what the hell do they mean?