Studio Ghibli keep on making the same movie over and over again.

I love studio ghibli with my entire heart (my favourite movie is Princess Mononoke) but after watching The Boy and The Heron I feel a bit disappointed. Because I feel like I've seen this same movie before, it is a beautiful movie no doubt but it's the same beautiful movie. Aloof characters contemplating life, quiet main characters, detailed food, weird little critters (it's weird, four different SG movies have these little critters that are in groups), dream-like imagery, always a woodland setting, always slow paced, always set in the WW1 era, confusing metaphors that make you think.

Just once I want to see this studio produce a straight progressing movie. One where what we see is what the characters are seeing and aren't dreams or imaginations, one where the characters are a bit funny, a main character that is loud and abrasive (apart from Earwig, that one doesn't count lol), one that takes place in a sci-fi setting, one that takes place in the present or future, a fast paced movie. It's clear to see Miyazaki has a craft but I think he focuses on trying to replicate the same process instead of just letting loose and having fun. Some may miss and some may flop but that way, true greatness can be achieved.

Edit: Damn some people are attacking me because they disagree with me opinion. I thought that was what this sub was for...