F18 looking for other girls and queer people to play dayZ with!!(No one replied last time and I'm sad honestly:((, why is it so hard to find people to play this with?)
Edit: Thats meant to be a MTF there oops
Full disclosure I'm pretty talkative at times and am likely on the spectrum so I might be weird or say stupid, potentially and unintentionally offensive things before quickly correcting myself!
Also I absolutely love giving book, music, game, movie, and show recommendations!!!!
I'd appreciate an asl when you DM me! Also honestly so long as you're like 16+ we are cool to play, Even if you're in your 30s or whatever.
I mean I've played with people in their 30s with families and stuff since I was starting highschool so it wouldn't be weird to me because that's just how gaming is, you don't really care so long as it's not weird and is fun!<3
Anyways, I hope to get some DMS from you lovely people!<3<3 Edit: forgot to mention I'm CST or whatever