12 month old Sleep and Milk
I' m posting this here to see if someone can shed some light on what is happening. My son is currently 12.5 months old. Since he was 10 months , he was sleeping quite well: maybe 1 or 2 night wakings just to replace the pacifier (I'm talking about 5 to 10 minutes of waking), sometimes even sleeping 10 to 11 hours in a row. He was also eating well and drinking 2 bottles of formula per day (1 in the morning and another before bed). Fast forward to one day before he turned 1: out of nowhere , he started refusing the bottles (I'm talking about crying as soon as he sees them ), which at first was not a big issue. We just increased his water intake. But now comes the tricky part: he has been waking almost every single hour to have the pacifier replaced ( screaming and crying) , and now each night he also wakes up for milk (not at the same time every night). It's only in the middle of the night that he accepts or wants a bottle and won't go back to sleep without one. What the hell is going on? This has been happening for 3 weeks now...